Thursday, November 9, 2023

Brands Need To Stop Being Afraid of Testing Podcast Advertising


I enjoyed chatting with Ryan Smith, our VP of Partnerships at, on my Host Read Ads podcast. I can tell you this: he is a true podcasting guru with over a decade of experience in the field. I want to share his knowledge and insights from our conversation.

One key point Ryan emphasized was the importance of testing. I admit trying new things can be nerve-wracking. But, as Ryan wisely said, "You don't know what you don't test." So, the real challenge lies in overcoming those fears, testing at least three episodes, and seeing what resonates with audiences.

But here's the catch: it's not about randomly trying everything simultaneously. Ryan recommends focusing on a specific area or audience for your tests. Understanding who you're speaking to and what they want to hear is crucial. Once you have that clarity, only then can you start broadening your reach.

Patience, my friends, is another crucial ingredient. Brands shouldn't rush to conclusions after releasing just one or two episodes. Building trust with your audience takes time, and the payoff is worth it.

Ryan also shared some insightful thoughts on the need to step outside the box when choosing content. He even illustrated how looking beyond the obvious can yield surprising results.

His point was clear - if you're not testing new shows, you're not growing. And let's face it, who wants to be stuck in a rut, right? The main takeaway here is that it's crucial for brands not to solely stick to what's already been successful. We should be pushing the boundaries and testing new waters.

I won't sugarcoat it: navigating the world of podcast advertising can sometimes feel like a wild roller-coaster ride - so let's ride it together! And with Ryan's insights, our advertising partners are more equipped to succeed than ever.

Here's to more testing, learning, and podcasting success! I can't wait for you to listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of our interview episodes and the valuable insights that can revolutionize your brand's podcast strategy.

If you have any questions or comments for Ryan or me, please email at We love hearing from you!